Saturday, January 11, 2014

End of my 1st Week of P90x3

I've wasted too much time in my life making excuses and falling back into my old habits.  I should have been at my goal weight already.  Anyone who has seen my facebook posts in the past or friends know I have already finished a full Challenge.  The problem being that I never fully committed.  Which I discussed in my first Blog Post.  I can't help but be disappointed in myself, but I won't let it bring me down!  I am BEYOND determined this time and I know my AFTER picture is right around the corner!! 

That being said, I've decided to do this Shakeology Cleanse again.  I did this once before and I loved it.  I love food so no cleanse or diet is an easy thing for me, I won't lie.  I lost weight over those short 3 days and lost an inch last time.  I'm excited to see where I will be after these 3 days again doing my workouts for over a week by then and the cleanse combined!  It should be a nice little jump start! 

 I know giving my body a chance to remove some extra toxins that I know are bottled up in there will help me with gaining more energy and feeling great to keep me from wanting to go back to the "old me".  What's so great about the Shakeology Cleanse is your aiding in healing the body with all those nutrients packed in that one little shake!  You drink the Shakeology 3 times a day for those 3 days!  Those toxins don't stand a chance! #boom 

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