
Saturday, February 22, 2014

***Your Health is IMPORTANT and you are WORTH it***

NO it absolutely DOES NOT!  Weight is nothing but a NUMBER.  

***Your Health is IMPORTANT and you are WORTH it***

Being healthy & fit gives you so much more opportunity to live a life with more MOBILITY, Less PAIN, more ENERGY, Less SICKNESS, & more CONFIDENCE <--(which leads to more HAPPINESS). 

Health starts and stems from WITHIN.  It's NOT what you look like from the outside!  This goes both ways.  You can look "healthy" on the outside but really not be healthy on the inside.  Or you can be a little bit on the thicker side and be deemed unfit & healthy.  What you are putting in your body is KEY!  "You are what you eat" is actually a TRUE statement!  If you eat foods with little or no nutrition, filled with chemicals such as preservatives and pesticides, then your body will not only be MALNOURISHED but also filled with toxins. You will continue to feel SLUGGISH not only physically but MENTALLY as well!  As time goes on with the continued poor eating habits and lack of nutrition we start to develop conditions because our bodies are consistently LACKING what it needs to run in optimal function and being given extra TOXINS to attempt to flush through the body. You may not be looking at a Fast Food Cheeseburger as being a reason to not be feeling great and your right!  ONE BAD MEAL is not going to DESTROY your health, NOR is ONE GOOD MEAL going to REVIVE it.  

I love crappy processed food just as much as the next, the importance here is that I WANT to FEEL GOOD, I want to be able to still be ACTIVE when I get OLDER don't you??  It's ok to have a cheat day even once a week, GO FOR IT!  The rest of the week you NEED to be making a consensus decision to either be FIGHTING disease or HELPING it take over!!!  Which one do you choose????   

GOOD NEWS, Your body has the ability to HEAL itself and YOU CAN turn this around before it's too late! So, let's get started NOW!

Get Started Here by filling out your FREE PROFILE to make ME your Personal Coach!

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